Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Here's seething!

You can download this song for free HERE. This is the song I thought would complement all our short, punchy rockers with something more brooding and atmospheric. Six months later we were still bumping our heads against the wall with it. I was adamant that we at least learn how to play the thing through before abandoning it. Stubborn, aren't I? Every now and then I'd grab a guitar and play it solo, to prove that it could sound like a song. Pretty sure every time I did this I played the wrong chords on the second verse. Probably didn't help.

I get what I think is a neat phasey-reverby effect here by keeping the volume of the video recording up along with the recording from the show, and they're slightly off from each other.

When I was performing this song, I became distracted by the realization that my coworker who nicely came to see me perform, had brought her husband, a retired police officer. So, in the very beginning of my brooding building song, I decided to break the mood with an ad-lib about apologizing to the police. I was pleased with the performance overall but hated that ad-lib, so I've edited it out. Can you tell? I think it's a nice edit, but it's probably crude.

For you completists, and let's face it, if you're checking out this website you're already something of a Dan Kilian completist (even liking me a little makes you a superfan.)here's the version with the ad-lib unedited.

You can get the completists-only unedited version of "Seething" HERE.

As always, the artistic furtherence of all my artistic ventures is dependent on the contributions of those who can contribute. Thank you!

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