Friday, March 1, 2013

A Broken Nose (Is Worse Than A Broken Heart)

Here's a funny countryish song, with a lesson, learned the hard way, multiple times.

You can download "A Broken Nose (Is Worse Than A Broken Heart)" for free HERE.

Jeff saw me play this solo and said we had to learn it, and we tried. I think we over-thought the rhythm parts (It's hard for me to say "just shuffle the damn thing" when someone wants to be creative, but that's what I should have demanded. Maybe I did, which probably didn't help.) and we never learned all the chords. There are a lot of chords for country. I don't make things easy.

As far as the song itself, I think it's the same lesson Orwell gives us at the end of 1984. There is nothing worse than physical pain. Next time someone hurts your feelings, hit yourself in the hand with a hammer, and you'll have it all in perspective.

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